Claire Ewart
Paddles Aweigh
Community Art Event
Join me
Friends of the Rivers
for a celebration on
World Rivers Day
September 29, 2019
All paddles created by artists will be revealed!
Proceeds fund community school student passage on the canal boat Sweet Breeze

Research in the Netherlands
In a culture where tolerance was the practice, what happened as civil rights were stripped away during the Nazi occupation of WWII?

Nazis Confiscated Radios.
Wireless from the Fries Verzetsmuseum. Resistance Museum.
Used to listen to BBC and Radio Oranje for news from Queen Wilhelmina in exile in Great Britain.

Nazis Confiscated Bikes.
In a time of great need, bikes and will-power kept people alive. Perhaps that forced removal set the stage for the overwhelming use of bicycles in the Netherlands today.
Sharing Books in Burma
Years in the making, this most recent trip to Burma with our Sister Cities initiative, resulted in multiple opportunities to share my books. My amazing friend Minn Myint Nan Tin translated as I read in an orphanage in Mawlaymine. We were honored to meet with our Ambassador Scott Marciel and his gracious staff. And we headed to the Nay Pyi Taw the capital where we were very fortunate to meet with Mahn Win Khaing Than the leader of the Upper house of Parliament, the grandson of Mann Ba Khaing, a national hero.

The Seagoing Cowboy Sets Sail
What a pleasure to celebrate the Sailing of our new book The Seagoing Cowboy with author Peggy Reiff Miller. A number of the "Cowboys" were in attendance. As young men they volunteered to sheperd animals across the sea to people who badly needed them. Among those attending was the gentleman whose real life story became one of the most cherished parts of Peggy's beloved tale. What a thrill to meet him!